Saturday, November 21, 2009


after a not so brief hiatus i'm making a go of this whole blog thing again. i've added new items to dita lab ( - you should definitely check it out, especially if you're looking for a winter coat. as always, let me know if you have any suggestions, thoughts, questions, etc.

outside of pretending to maintain my online shop, i'm preparing for the next three weeks of papers, exams, and presentations and then a much needed winter break during which i'll commit to a research question, devise a theoretical framework and create an analysis plan to submit in the form of a prospectus to my thesis committee. i've developed a new appreciation for coffee this term. any type of coffee. this includes, and at times is limited too, the bounty of flavored coffees offered in our chs student store. who can pass up $.50 for a cup?

friday is irish cream and with enough milk it tastes just like childhood.

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