Sunday, November 29, 2009


if there's a monument that's gonna make my night, it's this. emblematic of the physicality and dynamism of sport and competition, designed for the 2002 commonwealth games, b of the bang. manchester, uk. heatherwick studio.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


it's 1am and i'm completely awake. sure it could be the chai i drank at 8pm. then again it could be the ephemeral, potent high i get from data entry. or it could be the ridiculous, painful amount of stress destroying my soul and keeping me awake under silly notions of productivity. i'm ready to be done with school. i'm saying this while in the process of applying to doctoral programs and i'm increasingly aware that this in conjunction with wanting to walk is precarious. i enjoy what i'm doing, but it comes down to this: i can't see myself purposefully staying academia without a specific purpose. yeah, i get that most people come to that. and as a counterargument, i've always approached a phd as an end in itself. but that's not enough, the debt isn't enough and the theory isn't good enough, robust enough, applicable enough. i'm stuck in a doloop (which sas ends with end[i]) of theory. so, maybe this is to personal for this venue, but i'm considering taking off a year, removing myself, and hopefully putting all this in context and actually experiencing it in practice. i'm not sure what this feels like because i've never been open to it. and i am, at least now, depending on what happens re: said applications...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

talking like a teen.

i'm trying to go out more because i'm convinced that going out will make me feel a little bit better about still being in los angeles for, as of two months ago, seven years. and i pretty much see my temporary acceptance translating directly into going to shows. consequently, i've gone to two shows (bishop allen and the mountain goats) in the past week, neither of which i had time for, but felt were justified given the above. surprisingly, of the two, bishop allen won my heart which almost certainly means that there's part of me that's really not wanting to grow up. and, for now, i guess i'm ok with that if it makes me feel like la is just a little bit smaller.


after a not so brief hiatus i'm making a go of this whole blog thing again. i've added new items to dita lab ( - you should definitely check it out, especially if you're looking for a winter coat. as always, let me know if you have any suggestions, thoughts, questions, etc.

outside of pretending to maintain my online shop, i'm preparing for the next three weeks of papers, exams, and presentations and then a much needed winter break during which i'll commit to a research question, devise a theoretical framework and create an analysis plan to submit in the form of a prospectus to my thesis committee. i've developed a new appreciation for coffee this term. any type of coffee. this includes, and at times is limited too, the bounty of flavored coffees offered in our chs student store. who can pass up $.50 for a cup?

friday is irish cream and with enough milk it tastes just like childhood.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


dogs are fleshly material-semiotic presences in the body of technoscience.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

what happens if seagulls eat our sin?

We went to a mountain after throwing bread.

And we watched the sunset.

And in thinking about where we are we complained of feeling so little for this city. But this, what we were seeing, was actually really beautiful.
And in a small, silent sort of way it started to get under us.

Monday, August 3, 2009

wisdom from alber elbaz

you gotta work for it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

they sat at the table, the rice cakes between them. he turned to a fresh page in his sketch pad. "you draw."
she selected a blue crayon. "what should i draw?"
he thought for a moment. "i know," he said. he asked her to draw things in the living room: the sofa, the barcelona chair, the television, the telephone. "this way i can memorize it."
"memorize what?"
"our day together." he reached for another rice cake.
"why do you want to memorize it?"
"because we're never going to see each other, ever again"
the precision of the phrase startled her.
he tapped the page. "go on."


he goes on to want a drawing of himself, done by her in her apartment. he's 7.

Friday, June 19, 2009

finals. moving. moving to my...parents. sleeping. aching. more moving. getting sick. staying sick. more moving. going through my clothes. god, how did i get so much clothing? more moving. transition from college student to adult by way of a uhaul filled by more than just swedish made furniture...and a barcelona chair. my barcelona chair! s and i watching encounters at the end of the world. god, i respect herzog. feeling the weight of childhood. my mothers house. sleeping. meetings. many preliminary meetings with professors. reading transcripts. coding. commuting to la. commuting. every. day. staying sick. sleeping. getting bike tuned up. getting schwinn tuned up. getting better. riding bike. planning to commute on bike from c's to school. i will ride my bike! more transcripts. more reading. more coding. starting class on the 23rd. planning the move to c's on the 1st. commuting to la. commuting...commuting. staying with l and s. sleeping.


starting work?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

finnegan the frenchie. no idea who finnegan belongs to but i'm pretty sure i need one just like him.
new post, new post! a summer time blog for summer time craziness. it's purpose: to document just what happens between june 2009 and september 2009 in one little grad students life in the big crazy city. a special shout out to my dear friend f. for the assistance in name selection, model selection and good stories about pharmaceuticals. couldn't do it with out you!