Friday, June 19, 2009

finals. moving. moving to my...parents. sleeping. aching. more moving. getting sick. staying sick. more moving. going through my clothes. god, how did i get so much clothing? more moving. transition from college student to adult by way of a uhaul filled by more than just swedish made furniture...and a barcelona chair. my barcelona chair! s and i watching encounters at the end of the world. god, i respect herzog. feeling the weight of childhood. my mothers house. sleeping. meetings. many preliminary meetings with professors. reading transcripts. coding. commuting to la. commuting. every. day. staying sick. sleeping. getting bike tuned up. getting schwinn tuned up. getting better. riding bike. planning to commute on bike from c's to school. i will ride my bike! more transcripts. more reading. more coding. starting class on the 23rd. planning the move to c's on the 1st. commuting to la. commuting...commuting. staying with l and s. sleeping.


starting work?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

finnegan the frenchie. no idea who finnegan belongs to but i'm pretty sure i need one just like him.
new post, new post! a summer time blog for summer time craziness. it's purpose: to document just what happens between june 2009 and september 2009 in one little grad students life in the big crazy city. a special shout out to my dear friend f. for the assistance in name selection, model selection and good stories about pharmaceuticals. couldn't do it with out you!